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Types Of Family Mediation

Depending on your particular circumstances, there are different ways in which mediators can work with you and the other party to resolve your dispute.

Sole mediation

One mediator works with both parties from start to finish.


Involving two or more mediators, co-mediation may be needed where there are more than two parties involved in a dispute, or where there is more than one issue involved, requiring different expertise. This type of mediation can also be helpful if there is a lot of conflict between you and the other party.


Hybrid mediation

The hybrid mediation process allows the mediator to have separate meetings with the couple as individuals thereby rendering it “suitable” for extremely high conflict cases. It is also supported by lawyers throughout.

Shuttle mediation

Used in situations where face-to-face communications are too stressful. With shuttle mediation, you each remain in separate rooms and the mediator ‘shuttles’ between you. This form of mediation is most often used where the emotional impact of being in the same room as your former partner would make informed decision-making difficult.

How Family Mediation Works

What Family Mediation Costs

Family Mediation Referral Form


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